I Have Learned English #Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense

Hai teman-teman semua... kali ini saya akan membuat artikel tentang present perfect tense. Ada yang sudah tau belum? Kalau belum mari baca artikel saya kali ini. Selamat membaca :)


   A. Pengertian Present Perfect Tense
Present perfect tense yaitu kalimat unuk menerangkan suatu peristiwa, kejadian atau tindakan yang telah terjadi pada waktu lampau yang masih ada hubungannya dengan masa sekarang namun waktu terjadinya tidak jelas diketahui.

   B. Rumus Present Perfect Tense
» Positif   -> S + have/has + past participle (V-3) + O
» Negatif ->  S + have/has + not + past participle (V-3) + O
» Interogatif ->  Have/has + S + past participle (V-3) + O + ?

Dalam Present Perfect Tense keterangan tanda waktu (time signal ) yang sering digunakan adalah :
~ Already = sudah selesai
~ Never/ever = tidak pernah/pernah
~ Just = baru saja
~ Once/twice = sekali/dua kali
~ Three times = tiga kali
~ So far = sampai kini
~ Since = sejak
~ Not ….. yet = belum
~ As yet = hingga kini
~ Ago = yang lalu
~ For ….. = selama
~ Finally = akhirnya
~ This week/month/year = minggu/bulan/tahun ini
~ For week/month/year = selama seminggu/sebulan/setahun
~ At last = akhirnya

   C. Contoh Kalimat
- I have watched that film
- She has finishen her homework
- They have eaten breakfast
- The cat has run in the garden
- We have lived here
- I have learned English
- She has cleanen the class with Jesy

   D. Latihan Soal
1) She has ….. (write) some novels.
2) My uncle hasn’t ….. (come) back yet.
3) We have never ….. (hear) it.
4) Lina ….. (have/has) lot her key.
5) My parents ….. (have/has) told me the story.
6) He ….. (have/has) not finished the homework.
7) has – it – for – rained – days – three.
8) She – coffee – three – of – drunk – today – cups – has.
9) We – learned – have – since – 2005 – English.
10) He – driven – has – before – car – never – a.

   E. Kunci Jawaban
1) Written
2) Come
3) Heard
4) Has
5) Have
6) Has
7) It has rained for three days
8) She has drunk three cups of coffee today
9) We have learned English since 2005
10) He has never driven a car before

Source :

Buku Modul Pengayaan Kelas IX SMP


Sekian artikel saya kali ini. Semoga bermanfaat :)


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