I Have Learned English #Future Perfect Tense


Halo semua.... sekarang saya akan membahas tentang future perfect tense. Kalau teman-teman ada yang belum tau, silakan dibaca pejelasannya di bawah ini. Happy Reading :)


  A. Pengertian Future Perfect Tense
Future perfect tense adalah bentuk kalimat untuk mengekspresikan tindakan yang akan selesai di beberapa waktu di masa depan.

   B. Rumus Future Perfect Tense
• Positif -> S + will + have + V-3  
• Negatif -> S + will + not + V-3 
• Interogatif -> Will + S + have + V-3 + ?

~ By next = menjelang
~ By mext week = menjelang minggu depan
~ By Sunday = menjelang hari Minggu
~ By tomorrow = menjelang besok
~ By next month = menjelang bulan depan
~ In a week = dalam waktu satu minggu
~ In two days = dalam dua hari
~ Until = hingga
~ After = sesudah
~ Before = sebelum

   C. Contoh Kalimat
- She will have left work at 4.45 pm.
- They will have stayed at the Frangipane Villa until Sunday.
- I will have finished the homework by the time my mom gets home.
- He will have arrived in the office at 8.45 am.
- You will have done the same work for 5 years.
- We won’t (will not) have finished work at 2.30 pm.
- I won’t (will not) have booked the flight ticket by the time she ask me.

   D. Latihan Soal
1. We will be studying English.
  • A. We will have been studying English.
  • B. We will have studied English.
  • C. We will have be study English.
2. I will be doing the test.
  • A. I will not have be done the test.
  • B. I not will have done the test.
  • C. I will not have done the test.
3. My father will have been sleeping.
  • A. Will have my father sleep?
  • B. Will my father have sleeped?
  • C. Will my father have slept?
4. She will have been teaching.
  • A. Will she not have taught?
  • B. Will not she have taught?
  • C. Will she have not taught?
5. He is in the Hospital.
  • A. He will have be in the Hospital.
  • B. He will have been in the Hospital.
  • C. He will have being in the Hospital.
6. Saya akan telah mandi sebelum ayahku datang.
  • A. I will have take a bath before my father come.
  • B. I will have taken a bath before my father come.
  • C. I will have took a bath before my father come.
7. Dina tidak akan telah pergi dari kota ini pada akhir bulan ini.
  • A. Dina will not have gone from this city by the end of this month.
  • B. Dina will not have went from this city by the end of this month.
  • C. Dina will have not gone from this city by the end of this month.
8. Apakah kamu akan telah mengunjungi paman Smith di rumah sakit Harapan pada akhir minggu depan.
  • A. Will have you visited uncle Smith in Harapan Hospital by the end of next week?
  • B. Will you have visiting uncle Smith in Harapan Hospital by the end of next week?
  • C. Will you have visited uncle Smith in Harapan Hospital by the end of next week?
9. Apakah kamu tidak akan telah belajar sebelum kamu pergi ke Plaza Kuningan?
  • A. Will not you have studied before you go to Kuningan Plaza?
  • B. Won’t you not have studied before you go to Kuningan Plaza?
  • C. Won’t you have studied before you go to Kuningan Plaza?
10. Apakah kamu tidak akan lulus dari universitas ini pada akhir tahun?
  • A. Won’t have you graduated from this university by the end of this year?
  • B. Won’t you have graduated from this university by the end of this year?
  • C. Will not you have graduated from this university by the end of this year?

   E. Jawaban dan Pembahasan
1BPerhatikan rumus yang di gunakan future perfect tense bentuk positif adalah S + Will/shall + Have + Verb3 (Past participle). Jadi kata kerja menggunakan verb3 (past participle).
2CUntuk mengubah menjadi bentuk negative, maka gunakan rumus berikut S + Will/shall + Not + Have + Verb3 (Past participle). Jadi letakkan kata not setelah kata will.
3CRumus yang digunakan untuk bentuk interogatif adalah Will/shall + S + Have + Verb3 (Past participle). Hati-hati dengan verb3 irregular karena tidak mengikuti kaidah tambahan “ed”, seperti sleep menjadi slept.
4AUntuk future perfect tense bentuk negative interogatif, gunakan rumus berikut Will/shall + S + Not + Have + Verb3 (Past participle). Jadi letakkan kata not setelah subjek, atau jika ingin meletakkan kata not setelah will maka harus di singkat menjadi won’t. taught adalah verb3 dari teach – iiregular verb.
5BIni adalah bentuk positif, dan rumus yang di gunakan adalah S + Will/shall + Have + Verb3 (Past participle). Is yang merupakan be/to be berperan sebagai kata kerja utama, jadi verb3 dari be adalah been.
6BVerb3 dari “mandi” adalah taken a bath (verb2 = took a bath, verb1 = take a bath)
7ALetakkan kata not setelah kata will, dan anda juga dapat menyingkat will not menjadi won't. verb3 dari go adalah gone (verb2 = went)
8CIngat kembali rumus yang di gunakan pada bentuk introgatif yaitu Will/shall + S + Have + Verb3 (Past participle)
9CIngat kembali rumus future perfect tense pada bentuk negative interogatif yaitu Will/shall + S + Not + Have + Verb3 (Past participle). Not dapat di letakkan setelah will namun harus di singkat menjadi won’t (will + not = won’t).
10BIngat kembali rumus future perfect tense pada bentuk negative interogatif yaitu Will/shall + S + Not + Have + Verb3 (Past participle). Not dapat di letakkan setelah will namun harus di singkat menjadi won’t (will + not = won’t).

Sekian artikel saya kali ini.. Semoga bermanfaat :)

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