I Am Studying Right Now #Part 1

Present Continuous Tense

Hallo semua... sekarang saya akan membuat artikel tentang present continuous tense. Ini merupakan salah satu bab pada pelajaran bahasa inggris saya. Dibaca ya artikelnya. Selamat membaca...



   A. Pengertian Present Continuous Tense
Present continuous tense adalah menyampaikan tindakan yang terjadi saat ini atau yang sedang berlangsung.

   B. Rumus Present Continuous Tense
Rumus present continuous tense terbentuk dari kata kerja present tense (Verb + ing).

•> Kalimat Positif
     --> S + to be +Verb-ing

•> Kalimat Negatif
     --> S + to be + not + Verb-ing

•> Kalimat Interogatif
     --> To be + S + Verb-ing?

   C. Contoh Kalimat
▪ I am watching the television
▪ Audy is doing his homework
▪ We are waiting for the bus to come
▪ Vina and Vino are playing swings in the garden
▪ The students are listening to the teacher’s explanation
▪ The tailor is cutting the fabric into pieces
▪ My mother is washing her vegetables
▪ They are walking to the school
▪ She is celebrating her birthday in the cafĂ©
▪ I am shoping in the Sunny Supermarket

Keterangan waktu (time signal) yang sering dipergunakan dalam bentuk present continuous tense adalah
¤ Now = Sekarang
¤ Right now = Saat ini
¤ At present = Sekarang ini/pada saat ini
¤ Today = Hari ini
¤ This morning = Pagi ini
¤ This afternoon = Sore ini
¤ Soon = Segera
¤ Tonight = Malam ini

   D. Latihan Soal
1) Q : What’s the gardener doing?
     A : He ……. the flower.

     a. to water            c. are watering
     b. is water             d. is watering
2) Listen! Your father ……. to a friend right now.

     a. is talk                 c. is talking
     b. am talking        d. are talking
3) She ……. a concert.

     a. is practiced       c. are practice
     b. is practicing      d. practicing
4) Look! The students ……. football in the field now.

     a. is played            c. is playing
     b. are play             d. are playing
5) Jono ……. His kite now. He is at school.

     a. isn’t flying         c. aren’t playing
     b. isn’t playing      d. aren’t fly
6) The children ……. by the river.

     a. are fished          c. are fishing
     b. is fishing            d. fishing
7) Q : What are the girls doing?
     A : they ……. card.

     a. is play                c. are playing
     b. are played        d. have played
8) Amir and Udin ……. discussing the material right now.

     a. is                        c. was
     b. are                     d. were
9) Listen! She ……. a beautiful song.

     a. is sing                c. to sing
     b. is singing           d. are sings
10) ……. listening to me now?

     a. is you                 c. does you
     b. are you              d. was you

   E. Kunci Jawaban
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. B
10. B

Sekian artikel saya kali ini. Tunggu artikel saya selanjutnya ya... Semoga bermanfaat:)

Source :

Modul Pengayaan Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas IX



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