Behind a Long Journey

Behind a Long Journey

Hai teman-teman semua... kali ini saya akan menceritakan tentang pengalaman saya pada kelas 5 SD. Namun, pada artikel kali ini, saya menuliskannya dalam bahasa inggris. Kalau teman-teman mau membacanya saya persilahkan kok... Happy Reading :)

Behind a Long Journey

November 2015,
At that time I was in the 5th grade of elementary school. I was appointed by my teacher to represent the school in the context of the Subdistrict Sispres Putri competition. I feel happy even though what I really want is to take part in the mathematics olympiad.
Coaching began, time is spinning very fast, it doesn't feel the moon has changed to month December. Time is spinning very fast, another month is heading towards the race. Apparently, destiny said something else, my teacher told me to participate in two competitions at once, namely outstanding students and math olympiad. I am grateful and very happy. During that time, I struggled to get what I wanted.
The race arrived before the eyes, at that time on January 6, 2016. At that time the race that was contested was the Mathematics Olympiad. I departed, fighting for the good name of the school. After the race, I went straight home to prepare for the race for outstanding students tomorrow. Long story short, the next day after the student achievement competition, I felt very happy. Why...? I won 1st place in the Mathematics Olympiad and won 2nd place for outstanding students. I took home two trophies at the same time that day. My struggle is not in vain, I have got what I want. Don't just stop here, I'll keep trying and praying until I'm successful later.

Nah, begitulah cerita saya...


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